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Hard working horses have enormous requirements for energy. Plant-based oils, like hemp seed oil, are gaining popularity as a substitute energy source, as they contain as much as three times the energy content relative to grains.

Using Perfect Balance’s HempOliveTM can reduce the size and volume of feed a horse is required to consume while still maintaining a similar calorie intake.

A high plant-based oil diet places less heat load on working horses, reducing electrolyte loss and the amount of sweat needed to stay cool. Feeding plant-based oil, like Perfect Balance HempOliveTM, provides a source of fatty acids for muscles to burn during the warm up and slower phases of a competition, meaning muscles are able to conserve valuable glycogen and avoid fatigue.

HempOliveTM blend offers the perfect balance of Omegas 3, 6, and 9 contributing to a healthy heart, better digestion, and increased immune function for your horse.

HempOliveTM also helps your horse to maintain a healthy weight. If there are some unwanted pounds that need shedding, HempOliveTM, encourages weight loss by breaking down the fat inside fat cells, getting rid of belly fat and reducing insulin sensitivity.

Benefits of HempOliveTM Equine Food Supplement:
  • Increased immune function and energy
  • Increased mobility
  • Skin and coat conditioning
  • Improved muscle health
  • Improved heart health
  • Improved digestion
  • Weight Management