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Hard working horses have enormous requirements for energy. Plant-based oils, like hemp seed oil, are gaining popularity as a substitute energy source, as they contain as much as three times the energy content relative to grains.

Using Perfect Balance’s HempOlive™ Feed Supplement can reduce the size and volume of feed a horse is required to consume while still maintaining a similar calorie intake. In addition, horses need essential fatty acids to help the body recover and help the liver convert foods into energy. Vitamin C with olive oil helps the repair of the muscle tissue and keeps free radicals down.

We used a cold press so that we are not compromising the integrity of the oil. No harmful additives, sugars, hormones, or estrogenic plants in our products. Our oil is the only one on the market that has a balance of essential fatty acids and has a vitamin content to help the horse break down the nutrients needed so it is not wasted.

We also offer topline protein in pellet and meal form to ensure your horse is getting the right amount of protein to protect the health of their topline.

We have full feeds for every type of horse from foals and mares to competitive horses and seniors. 

Omegas 3, 6, and 9 contributing to a healthy heart, better digestion, and increased immune function for your horse – can be found in all of our products!