Radiate Hemp Co’s HempOlive blend offers the perfect balance of Omegas 3, 6, and 9 contributing to a healthy heart, better digestion, and increased immune function for your pet. Adding HempOlive to your dog’s dry or canned food ensures they will have a healthy, shiny coat and energy to run around all day!
Using the latest cold press technology, Canadian grown hemp seed is combined and processed with the finest, freshly harvested olives from Tunisia to create Perfect Balance HempOlive, a chemical free, extra virgin, full spectrum hemp seed oil.
Benefits of HempOlive Pet Food Supplement:
• Increased immune function and energy
• Increased mobility
• Skin and coat conditioning
• Improved muscle health
• Improved heart health
• Improved digestion
• Weight Management
Ingredients: A proprietary blend of cold pressed Hemp Seed Oil and custom filtered Olive Oil.